Proud Mary Proud Mary 由 美國作曲家 吉他手John Fogerty 所作 ,1969年 由Creedence Clearwater 唱紅, 曾獲全美排行榜冠軍帛琉 曲調包含 rock and roll, blues, gospel, and soul韻味,也可用不同節奏唱出 別有一番風味。 昨晚,試著唱這首老歌助興,讓酒店工作年輕人知道 也曾年少輕狂,紙醉金迷。只是疏於練習,唱不出原歌的韻味。 wwwyoutubecom/watch?v=0ROalKnVZfU Left a good 房屋買賣job in the city,Workin for the man evry night and day,And I never lost one minute of sleepin,Worryin bout the way 室內裝潢things might have been.Chorus:Big wheel keep on turnin,Proud mary keep on burnin,Rollin, rollin, rollin on the 租辦公室river.Cleaned a lot of plates in memphis,Pumped a lot of pain down in new orleans,But I never saw the good side of 裝潢the city,til I hitched a ride on a river boat queen.ChorusRollin, rollin, rollin on the river.If you come down to 會場佈置the river,Bet you gonna find some people who live.You dont have to worry cause you have no money,People on the river 住商房屋are happy to give.ChorusRollin, rollin, rollin on the river.Rollin, rollin, rollin on the river.Rollin, rollin, seorollin on the river

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